Staking Level Calculation

① Stake

Users can stake $MetaX at any time. Each staking is recorded in the PlanetVault with the staked amount and the timestamp of the staking. Staking Scores are weighted and accumulated based on the amount of each staking and the length of time from the current date.

For example, User Allen staked $10,000 MetaX at 13:00 on August 1, $5,000 MetaX at 15:00 on August 3, and $8,000 MetaX at 08:00 on August 6. If the current time is 08:00 on August 10, the staking is recorded in the PlanetVault as follows:

**Effective Duration: The minimum unit is days so lengths of time less than 1 day will be omitted.

② Base Staking Scores

  1. Base Staking Scores = ∑ Effective Duration * Staked Amount

Example: Based on the table above, user Allen's base staking score = 8 days * 10,000 + 6 days * 5,000 + 4 days*8,000 = 142,000

③ Unstake

  1. Users can unstake $MetaX at any time, and redeem will be available in 7 days.

  2. Unstaking $MetaX will not require any transaction fees, but it will have an impact on the user's staking level, which is irreversible.

  3. When a user unstakes, the unstaked amount is implicitly deducted from the user's earliest staked record, potentially resulting in a loss of the user's accumulated staking time.

Example: Continuing with the above table, if Allen unstaked 12,000 $MetaX at 14:00 on August 8, his staked record would be updated as follows:

Allen's earliest stake was fully deducted, and a corresponding amount was deducted for the second stake. His base staking scores at 08:00 on August 10th are calculated as follows: 6 days * 3,000 + 4 days * 8,000 = 50,000.

**If your earliest stake has a long time period from now, you need to be more careful about whether or not to unstake it. Otherwise, you'll be losing a large portion of your effective duration.

④ Adjust Factor

  1. Every time a user stakes/unstakes, two irreversible values will be accumulated: [Accumulated Staked Amount] & [Accumulated Unstaked Amount].

  2. By comparing the [Accumulated Unstaked Amount] with the [Accumulated Staked Amount], if the [Accumulated Staked Amount] is greater than the [Accumulated Unstaked Amount], i.e., the user is in the minority in terms of the percentage of unstaking, then he/she is entitled to the following Expansion Factor: 100% + (Current Staked Amount/Accumulated Staked Amount)%.

  3. If the [Current Staked Amount] is less than [Accumulated Unstaked Amount], then the user will be penalized by the Reduction Factor: Reduction Factor: 100% - (Accumulated Unstaked Amount/Accumulated Staked Amount - 50%)%.

Example: Continuing from the above table, Allen's [Accumulated Staked Amount] is 23,000 MetaX, [Current Staked Amount] is 11,000 MetaX, and [Accumulated Unstaked Amount] is 12,000 MetaX. In this case, the [Current Staked Amount] is less than the [Accumulated Unstaked Amount], and it is subject to the reduction factor: 100% - (12,000/23,000 - 50%)% = 97.82%.

⑤ Staking Level

  1. Staking Level = α * Log10[(Base Staking Scores * Adjust Factor)/β] + γ

  2. Finally, staking level is calculated by applying a bonding curve of log10 function to the adjusted staking scores, with a range of 1~99.

  3. The initial level has been modified to be 1 as long as user has a current staking amount of 10 $MetaX, in order to lower the barrier of participation so more users can get involved.

  4. The mathematical maximum is 100 but it is unreachable in reality.

Last updated